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9 o’clock nasty – Savage Mechanic

July 30, 2023Independent
Single | Digital03:13
Proto Metal / Kraut RockLeicester, England

Witnesses of Everything

A Savage Mechanic is a very special breed. You can meet them everywhere, and it is extremely hard not to have one of them in your environment. Savage Mechanics are probably very important for the future of our species. Otherwise, there is no explanation why they even exist. To spot a Savage Mechanic you best mention a certain event which was only attended by a very small group of people. Before you can even finish your sentence about, for example, how awesome it must have been when Nils Olav I was promoted to corporal, the Savage Mechanic will already tell you that they were there. Not only were they present, they also talked to Nils Olav, exchanged addresses with him and taught him hot to whistle.

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Furthermore, Savage Mechanics have not only been everywhere, have shaken everyone’s hands and know secrets about celebrities they do not even know themselves. They also know at least one person who can prove their stories. Unfortunately, that person’s phone is currently dead or they cannot reply since being on Mercury for holiday. And you already know who has been on Mercury, too? The Savage Mechanic, of course. Let’s admit it, we love those people, but sometimes have to mock them a bit. And that’s where the Nasty Mechanics come into play.


Deeper then ever before, 9 o’clock nasty dig into the musical realms of Proto Metal, Occvlt and Psychedelic Rock and early-day Kraut. You can imagine German’s Kraut legends Floh de Cologne kissing the god of hellfire Arthur Brown. When the song reaches its climax, the shouted phrase

I was there!

is followed by a massive organ theme which reminds of Iron Butterfly’s most famous hit. This is where the dark and hazy scaffolding of the track bursts like an exploding oil rig. Some muffled words in German add to the infernal feeling of the song’s finale. And in the end, you only know two things: you want to experience this sonic hellride over and over again, and you need to talk to your favourite Savage Mechanic again. Maybe you can tell them that somebody screwed your head off, and they will reply that they have experienced something very similar, but a lot harsher. Yes, you gotta love ‚em.
8/10 Mangoes

All pictures by courtesy of 9 o’clock nasty

Ein Gedanke zu „Been There, Everywhere“

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