als="Th Scientists - This Heart Doesn't Run On Blood, This Heart Doesn't Run On Love. (1984, Au Go Go Records) COVER"

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The Scientists – This Heart Doesn’t Run On Blood, This Heart Doesn’t Run On Love.

Mini Album | 09/1984 | Au Go Go Records
16:46 | 5 tracks | Vinyl/Cassette
Post Punk / Noise
London, England

They came from a Land Down Under…

… and they got pretty famous in Australia’s Indie and Punk scene in the 1980s. After one album, one break-up, and one reformation, The Scientists relocated from Perth to Sydney, and another full-length release later, they moved all the way to London. Half a year later, the band’s darkest and harshest release This Heart Doesn’t Run On Blood, This Heart Doesn’t Run On Love was published. It should have been the last studio album which The Scientists released in collaboration with Au Go Go Records, and it was the demarcation point for their international breakthrough.

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First Chapter of the Five-Fold London Series

This Heart Doesn’t Run On Blood, This Heart Doesn’t Run On Love was the first out of five studio albums recorded while the band was based in London. And apart from You Get What You Deserve (1985 | Karbon Records) it was the most successful one. Despite their unconventional and merciless approach to Post Punk, Punk Rock, Garage Rock, or Noise Rock, The Scientists enthused big audiences inside and oustide the UK. Their stay in London should have been limited. It was nevertheless their most productive phase with five albums released within three years. Forty years later, the album is a vivid zeitgeist document of an era coined by melancholy, fear of a global catastrophy, and the desire for inner and outter peace. In the 2020s, we can relate with this a lot.
7/10 Mangoes

Next week in this series:

MastodonLeviathan (31/08/2004 | Relapse Records)

We will dance again

Mia Schem

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