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Deathspell Omega – Si monvmentvm reqvires, circvmspice
Album | 01/02/2004 | Norma Evangelium Diaboli / The Ajna Offensive / Southern Lord
77:47 | 13 tracks | Vinyl/CD/Digital
Black Metal / Experimental Black Metal

Intensifying the Mystery
Deathspell Omega are encompassed by mysteria. Whether or not, the band is compiled by former Hirilorn members is a frequent discussion. But since Deathspell Omega strictly reject playing live shows or going into public, they might take these mysteries their graves. In 2004, the secret-mongers have already released three splits with Clandestine Blaze, Moonblood, and Mütiilation, an EP, and two full-length albums. Furthermore, Shaxul has allegedly left the band in 2002 because they turned their back on their roots in Raw Black Metal. Nevertheless, there is no proof that Shaxul used to be Deathspell Omega’s drummer in the first place, so this is only speculation. What can indeed by confirmed is that their third full-length release Si monvmentvm reqvires, circvmspice marks a significant shift in the band’s musical development.
Three Prayers for Obscurity
Si monvmentvm reqvires, circvmspice is an intoxicated and dizzy stroll through dark crypts and dungeons, alongside cruxifixes, pure darkness, and infernal fire. The Latin title means If you are looking for a monument, look around, and the album is indeed an embrace of the monumental darkness in this world. God and Satan, demons and angels, the living and the dead come together in an eschatologic dance. Somewhere between Heaven and Hell, Deathspell Omega infatuate the listeners with their dissonant, psychedelic, and yet infernally raw sound.
Chaos, Entropy, Entirety
Si monvmentvm reqvires, circvmspice can be read as a theological dispute whether or not, the devil is part of God. The dichotomy of light and darkness, good and evil receives a vertiginous twist when regarding the personalisation of evil to be a part of the divine creator. And this vertigo is artistically woven into the soundscape on Deathspell Omega’s third album. Light and darkness coexist amidst the sounds of this longplayer.
8/10 Mangoes
Next week in this series
Anfibio – Mesineyang (12/06/2014 | A.M. Prod)