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Cariosus – Will, Until Beauty
Album | 12/01/2024 | Independent
36:04 | 8 tracks | Digital
Melodic Death Metal / Death Metal
Chicago, IL, USA

Bisected Rot
In the nine years of their existence so far, Chicago’s Cariosus have released several singles and the two EPs Crime & Punishment (10/02/2015) and Saturnine Depths (28/04/2017). After the longest break between two releases in the band’s history, Cariosus now present their full-length debut. Once a quartet, Cariosus have shrunk to a duo consisting of founding members Kevin Kryszak (guitar) and Alex Pfister (vocals and bass). But no losses have been suffered in this process when it comes to intensity, strength or versatility of their sound. And thus, here are Cariosus at the beginning of a new chapter of their band history.

Digging in the Dark, Searching for Light
Will, Until Beauty is a psychologically themed album that concerns human beings‘ constant search for their inner light. This narrative is set in the present, and thus it is dealing with the mind of a post modern human being, a person who is stuck between moral beliefs, digital media influence, and the constant discrepancy between being isolated and drowning in the masses. Despite this overflow of information and impression, a person wants to be good and do the right thing. Therefore, they look for the light and turn their backs on darkness. But according to the thesis on Will, Until Beauty, it is that very darkness that has to be confronten in order to find the light within.

Successful Genre-Surfing
The music on Will, Until Beauty can formally be categorised under categories like Death Metal and Melodic Death Metal. A closer hearing reveals a savage rollercoaster ride on which Cariosus form their style by constantly adding features of subgenres or related sounds. While merciless shooting through the darkest spheres of the human mind, elements from Bay Are Death Metal pop up while other passages contain the raw sledgehammer sound of 1990s European Death Metal. When picking up velocity, Cariosus tend to become more frosty and thus add Black Metal features, and finally their melodic parts even reach into the realms of Symphonic Death Metal.
A Solid Foundation
Cariosus‚ first longplayer is a diverting and confident album with a great theme. Will, Until Beauty shows that the Chicago-based duo is capable of stirring up different styles of Death Metal and serving them in a tasty way. Now, the fortification of their own sound is the next step which may make future releases become more memorable.
7/10 Mangoes
Alex Pfister – vocals and bass
Kevin Kryszak – guitar
Mix and master by Sam Bottner
Artwork by Andrea Volpe
Promo material by courtesy of C Squared Music
We will dance again
Mia Schem