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Some Kind of Nightmare – Live at Lou’s LMGA
Release Date: December 09, 2022
Label: DCxPC Live
Format: EP | Vinyl/Digital
Duration: 13:30 | 5 tracks
Genre: Hardcore Punk / Street Punk
Origin: San Diego, CA, USA
Lou is back!
It was December 08, 2021 when Some Kind of Nightmare played a gig at Lou’s LMGA in Orlando, Florida. Although it could have been a day like many others for the Punk Rock trio from San Diego, California, it was not. Some Kind of Nightmare live on the road for at least half of the year, and Lou’s LMGA is a legendary venue, and yet this night was special. One reason is that on December 08, 2021, Lou’s LMGA opened their doors for the first time after the pandemic-related lockdowns. Another reason is that this gig was recorded and was released on vinyl via DCxPC Live. The band, the label, and the venue make an awesome threesome of US Punk Rock.

Sound of the Survivors
This thirteen-and-a-half minute recording is more than just a great Punk Rock concert for your living room or headphones. Some Kind of Nightmare present a powerful display of what Punk Rock really is about. These five tracks are about sticking together, about not letting each other down, about unity, or about surviving. And thus, serious topics such as the mastectomy due to breast cancer of bassist and vocalist Molly (‚We Take Form‘) are featured on this EP as well as the cynical take on police brutality ‚Everything’s Okay‘. On snotty Hardcore and Street Punk Some Kind of Nightmare sing and shout of unity, of solidarity, and of not giving up to fight for a better life.
9/10 Mangoes