alt="Hyperia - The Serpent's Cycle (2023, unsigned) COVER"Artwork by Caitlin Delaplace
November 17, 2023Independent
Album | CD/Digital49:44 | 11 tracks
Melodic Thrash Metal
Melodic Death Metal
Vancouver, BC

Originally founded by vocalist Marlee Ryley and her husband Colin (guitars) in 2018, Hyperia have quickly grown to a band. An EP and two albums were recorded and released in quintet formation between 2019 and 2022, before the line-up of Hyperia changed significantly. But despite all rumours, the Ryleys, the creative core of Hyperia gathered a new formation around them, and here they are with their third longplayer. This is The Serpent’s Cycle!

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Eleven tracks, each of them between four and five-and-a-half minutes long, follow a stoic but successful set of motifs. Hyperia combine speedy and heavy riffing with earthshaking rhythms and vocals that activate the listeners‘ whole body (and the neck muscles especially). The vocals by mastress of ceremony Marlee Ryley reach from guttural growls up to a high-pitch Heavy Metal voice. Meanwhile, the instrumental section is lead by Marlee’s husband Colin who switches back and forth between Thrash Metal staccati and virtuous Neoclassic leads. The backbone of this musical spectacle is built by Ryan Idris on drums and bass player Jon Power.

Photo by Caitlin Delaplace
Photo by Caitlin Delaplace

While forging the bridge from Neoclassic airs to sonorous Melodic Thrash and Death Metal, Hyperia deal with issues of our modern world that have been there since the beginning of humankind. The band addresses chasms of the human psyche. Greed, egocentrism, or lack of empathy are some of the themes that play a role here. And of course, hedonism and gluttony cannot be left in such a discourse. It may be quite obvious that Hyperia’s sound is of angry nature. And the way Hyperia channel that anger, it becomes a massive Thrash Metal sweeping blow. The Serpent’s Cycle can by played on repeat, and there is not a single passage that does not invite the listeners to bang their heads. Hyperia finish the album with their version of Heart’s Crazy on you, and thus provide a legit encore.
7/10 Mangoes
listening recommendations: Automatic Thrash Machine, Trapped in Time, Binge & Surge

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