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Tooth Paint – Digital Sex
Release Date: November 20, 2020 (Digital & Vinyl) | September 15, 2022 (Tape)
Label: selfrelease (2020) | It’s Eleven Records (2022)
Format: EP | 10“ Vinyl/Tape/Digital
Duration: 13:26 | 5 tracks
Genre: Synth Punk / Noise Pop
Origin: Chemnitz, Germany

Tooth Paint is th solo project by Henry, the bass player of Chemnitz‘ Depro and Post Punk band L’appel du vide. In late 2020, an episode when many of us had plenty of time, Henry recorded five Synth Punk songs and published them on bandcamp. Only very people were happy enough to attain one of the 10“ vinyl records, and it appeared that „Digital Sex“ should stay a secret gem for everyone else until the end of all time. But now, almost two years later, the decision was made that the word of Tooth Paint and „Digital Sex“ shall be spread again. And thus, the EP has been re-released on cassette via Chemnitz‘ It’s Eleven Records.

Anarchist Full-Body-Workout

The EP is opened by ‚Dumb enough to think‘, a minimalist and motivating Synth Punk and New Wave banger that combines the sonic footprints of New Order and Egotronic. The tempo stays up with the glitchy ‚Hot Flush Fridays‘ which sounds like a Techno Remix of 1980s Anarcho Punk à la Crass. With ‚Boundaries‘ the EP loses a bit of its stomping nature as this tune is built on a highly distorted Anarcho bass line ornamented by high pitched tones. One thing that is omnipresent on Tooth Paint’s „Digital Sex“ is the high velocity in combination with fast beats that screams for a sweat-inducing workout session.

Riot until the end

After the first three songs‘ tempo one might expect a calm intermission before the EP’s end. But Tooth Paint does the opposite and surprises the listeners with the machine gun fire Riot Techno track ‚Post Office‘. If this track has not completely destroyed your furnishings, the title track of „Digital Sex“ will give it the rest. The final track on Tooth Paint’s EP is a chaotic, noisy, glitchy, and very catchy tune that might as well harm your eardrums and synapses.

The sound provided here takes getting used to, and „Digital Sex“ may very well deter many listeners of Punk Rock. Those who can enjoy innovative approaches to anarchist music such as Unicorn Partisans will find much pleasure in this EP by Tooth Paint.
Rating: 6/10 Mangoes

Tooth Paint Online:

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