Hello dear readers,
thanks a lot for being there! MangoWave is back from the holidays, and thus tomorrow the regular mango business will continue. Next post will be Mango Monday Mixtape #091 | Uganda Edition. Yet, there will be changes beginning tomorrow, Monday 12 June 2023.

What will change?

Basically, I need to decrease the frequency of new content going live on MangoWave. Reason is that I have been promoted at work, and thus I spend work more hours with wage labour from tomorow on. Therefore, my personal schedule has to be re-arranged: the priorities work, family, mental health, private life, and MangoWave are changing by a little.

Is this the Beginning of the End?

Heck no! MangoWave is here to stay, and there will be plenty of new posts every week. Categories such as Mango Monday Mixtape, Mango of the Week, Record of the Week, New Releases, or just short reviews, interviews and news posts will go live regularly. So, don’t worry.

Again, thank you all for being here. Together we can make a change.

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