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Jane N‘ The Jungle – Raw as a Jewel

03:42 | Single | 18/11/2022
Digital | Cleopatra Records
Modern Rock / Alternative Metal
Phoenix, AZ, USA
The year 2022 is not completely over yet, but Phoenix‘ Modern Rock powerhouse Jane N‘ The Jungle already shoot for the next year. The trio’s new single ‚Raw as a Jewel‘ marks a new beginning, a rebirth of the band, and therefore allows lots of puns referring to their homebase in the capital of Arizona. Leaving all doubts and fears behind them, Jane N‘ The Jungle make clear that they will pursue their dreams, and that they will make the best of the one life that was given to them. Thus, the new single ‚Raw as a Jewel‘ is here to become an anthem for self-care, for abandoning second thoughts, and for overcoming one’s fears. This release is Jane N‘ The Jungle’s debut on Celopatra Records, and it will certainly not be the last collaboration between band and label.
After a short soulful Alternative Rock intro, the thrilling Metal song begins in medias res. Jane N‘ The Jungle let dark Alternative Rock with a metallic note create a sonic whirlwind on a Punk Rock rhythm and decorates this musical storm with a modern twist. ‚Raw as a Jewel‘ thus overcomes the melancholic or doubtful sounds of the song’s first seconds and turns them into a self-liberating and highly empowering anthem for standing up and to gain control of one’s own destiny. The vocals that throne above this thrilling soundscape are a jewel on their own as they seemlessly move between powerful Metal chants and soulful Blues trebles.
7/10 Mangoes
Mother Vulture – Monster Crunch

02:20 | Single | 11/11/2022
Digital | Independent
Hardcore Punk / Skate Punk
Bristol, England
The title ‚Monster Crunch‘ may sound like a tasty breakfast cereal or something similar that enlightens your body with joy and sugar. This is not completely wrong or besides the content, but it is always important to know who crunches and consequently digests whom (or what). In this case, it is a giant creature of Godzilla-esque size that munches and crunches as it feeds on human flesh. After all, can you blame the huge beast? We all have to eat, and our species has not always been too kind to others. Some may call it payback, karma or equality, other people will call it getting eaten by a monster.
The song’s main riff is as brutal as its content. If you are not impressed by the human-devouring and city-destryoing creature of the lyrics than at least that riff will kick you out of your shoes. Like a giant wheel the guitars savagely plow forward, and as it is a rule of a simplistic but genious orgy of destruction, the riff comes back in altered shape. The catchy chorus and the monstrous verses leave nothing behind but ashes and the urge to listen to the whole album „Mother Knows Best“ which was released on November 25.
8/10 Mangoes
The SinicTones – Femme Fatale

20:03 | EP | 28/10/2022
Vinyl/CD/Digital | Psycho Surf Noir
Surf Rock / Psychobilly
Bristol, England
On the surface, everything offered here looks or sounds familiar. B-Movie Horror themes, a release date shortly before Samhain, Surf Rock rhythms, Garage sound, cheese and wine. But this is not what you think! This is Psycho Surf Noir, this is the „Femme Fatale“, the angel of despair, this is a horror surf trip you will not forget. „Femme Fatale“ is the first release by Bristol’s The SinicTones. The three-piece consisting of Abi Gallichan (drums and vocals), Holly J Chapman (bass and vocals) and Nat Sinic (guitars and vocals) is here to breathe life into genres like Monster Rock’n’Roll, Horror Rock or Psychobilly.
„Femme Fatale“ is way more than just a six-track EP for fans of Surf, Garage and Horror music. This is next level Surf! What the trio from Bristol serves us here is a twenty-minute theatre show full of giant waves, blood, love, affection, and murder. Embrace this sweet nightmare, wait for the next tide and be sure your coffin is for surfing. Whatever you roll with, this rocking banger is one of the greatest of the year 2022.
9/10 Mangoes