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Chicken Man & The Bad Eggs – CMATBE (Who We Are)
April 27, 2023 | Independent |
Single | Digital | 03:15 |
Punk Rock / Garage Rock | St. Helens, England |
Say Their Names!
Apparently, there is need for clarification. It might be that readers who also enjoy the products by Swedish video game studio Landfall Games say that a Chicken Man comes from a Chicken Man Man, and within a certain universe they are right. Nevertheless, there is another Chicken Man and he is here with his Bad Eggs. And to get everyone’s attention, with the sheer force of a town cryer Chicken Man & The Bad Eggs tell everyone who they are. Here are Nathan McLeish (drums), Liam Shrives (bass), Tasha Clough (guitar) and Ryan Morris (vocals) with their latest track CMATBE (Who We Are):
Steamroller Garage Punk
If you have not known Chicken Man & The Bad Eggs before, from now on you will. The quartet from North West England drags their listeners into a savage spin cycle of a moshpit and shakes them around with increasing power. You can use terms such as Modern Punk, Noise Rock, Garage Punk, Punk’n’Roll or other terms trying to define this wild sound. It does not matter since Chicken Man & The Bad Eggs do not fit into these categories. Whenever one has located them somewhere, like a curious chicken they pop out of that very category, lay a bad egg and galumph off.
On their last appearance on MangoWave Magazine, it was mentioned that Chicken Man & The Bad Eggs‚ song Sleazeball began with a riff reminding of Judas Priest’s Breaking the Law. The new single CMATBE (Who We Are) also contains a reference that reaches far outside the realms of Punk Rock. Listen to that chorus again, and tell me you did not hear a certain parallel to Invaders Must Die by The Prodigy. Another notable passage of CMATBE (Who We Are) is the breakdown half way through the song which just activates the listeners‘ dopamine receptors.
The new single is a sweeping blow which clearly states the Chicken Man & The Bad Eggs are here to stay. A new EP is about to drop, and there will be plenty of great chances to celebrate the quartet from St. Helens.
8/10 Mangoes
All pictures by courtesy of Chicken Man & The Bad Eggs