Six very short reviews
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IRYS – Waiting Syndrome

(Single | 11/12/2022 | Independent)
When IRYS from Berlin creates new sounds, a dark vortex of temptation and joy opens up. The sounds drag the listeners into a fantastic underground world where day and night come together. IRYS‚ latest single release ‚Waiting Syndrome‘ convinces via thrilling atmosphere, the artist’s enchanting vocals, and an unexptected twist in the chorus pattern.
8/10 Mangoes

Faux Hex – Act Flout Flower Mt.

(Single | 26/01/2023 | Deaf Endling Records)
Bristol’s Faux Hex have teamed up with Frances Pylons to produce this sonic horror story. ‚Act Flout Flower Mt.‘ is located at the very dark end of Synthwave and electronic music, close to Industrial Rock, and yet atmospheric and trippy. Between rattling percussions, this sonic nightmare emerges.
7/10 Mangoes

Rheum – On and on

(Single | 09/12/2022 | Alphalux Records)
When a relationship is about to end, words can often do more harm than silence. Rheum from Copenhagen tell of that phenomenon in their new single ‚On and on‘. It is the second from their debut album „Cassettes“ and it is colourful travel back to the 1980s created by dynamic and powerful Synthwave that reaches into the realms of Indie Rock.
7/10 Mangoes

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Glow Motive – Show me you’re here

(Single | 10/02/2023 | Independent)
A bittersweet piano and light synthesizers create a sonic environment that reminds of sunlight reflecting on water. On top of this emotive soundscape Oceaan Pendharkar and Anjalica Solomon process the loss of a family member with gentle and ethereal vocals. ‚Show me you’re here‘ is an emotional, intimate and soothing debut.
5/10 Mangoes

The Velvoids – While you shine

(Single | 10/02/2023 | Thinkbabymusic Collective)
With their latest single ‚While you shine‘, The Velvoids from Athens, Greece transport their listeners to the colourful times of Andy Warhol or The Velvet Underground. Noisy and gentle simultanoeusly, the psychedelic Shoegaze and Synthwave tune mesmerises body and mind. The Velvoids are currently working on a full-length release that will provide more hypnotisations in late 2023.
6/10 Mangoes

Solari – Everyone is your Friend

(Single | 27/01/2023 | Here & Now Recordings)
David Baron and Renée Hikari from New York are Solari. The two artists bring plenty of experience to this new sonic enterprise. And so, their single ‚Everyone is your Friend‘ has become a colourful and cinematic soundtrack that dances back and forth between social media reality and the real world, an open and free world and anxiety.
5/10 Mangoes

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