In this series we look back into the year 2013 by reviewing an album from this year every other week.

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The No Joshs

Genres have their luminaries. Seldom are they undisputed, and rarely are they easy characters. From Lemmy Kilmister to Doro Pesch, from Courtney Love to Glenn Danzig, and from Henry Rollins to Brody Dalle, those eminent authorities may be a shiny figurehead of a whole scene or a bogey person simultaneously. When it comes to genres like Stoner or Desert Rock from the USA, they cannot be imagined without the names of three men: Brant Bjork, John Garcia, and Josh Homme. Fifteen years after their band Kyuss broke up, a reunion was planned. But since it did not include Josh Homme, the new band was first called John Garcia plays Kyuss, and then changed names to Kyuss Lives! A lawsuit and some dirty talk later, the new old band had their own name: Vista Chino.

A Straw Fire to illuminate the Night

It was in the year 2012 when the re-branding to Vista Chino was finally announced, and only a year later the, band released their only album. Peace does not only feature former Kyuss members Brant Bjork and John Garcia but also Nick Oliveri. The fourth member was Belgian guitar player Bruno Fevery. Chris Cockrell (bass player on Kyuss albums Katzenjammer and Sons of Kyuss) was one of the guest musicians alongside Tom Brayton and Mike Dean. You would imagine that this line-up plays a sound that reminds of Kyuss a lot, and you are right thinking so. Peace is a magnificent Desert Rock album. In retrospect, one might forget that Vista Chino have only been around for four years since their only release was so great.

The Taste of Desert Sand

Mainly, Peace consists of two major ingredients. Those are Brant Bjork’s bluesy Low Desert Punk attitude and John Garcia’s heavily dusty Fuzz sound. Together with their band mates, these two forerunners consequently forge their signature sound. Hot as the Death Valley at High Noon and heavy enough to bury a tank. This is the soundtrack for endless rides through wastelands and dazzling emptiness.

Next up in this series: Moving Mountains – Moving Mountains

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