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Tsunamiz – Magickal Seeds
January 21, 2022
Single | Digital
Indie Rock / Electronic Rock
Amora, Portugal
Fresh Breeze
The Portuguese town Amora in the municipality of Seixal may be most famous for its annual Festa do Avante!, a cultural highlight for music, film, theatre and more. The 50,000-residents town is also home of Bruno Sobral, an independent musician who publishes his arts under the alias Tsunamiz. With the Dance Rock banger Attack being out since early February 2023, it is worth taking a look into the recent past and to appreciate the unorthodox and genius work by Tsunamiz.
Melting Pot of Sounds
The single Magickal Seeds was released prior to the 2022 album Looney Tunez on which it was then featured as an album track. Within five minutes, Tsunamiz proves that musical styles can still easily be re-thought, re-arranged, re-done. Partially electronic and partially by the use of analogue instruments, Bruno Sobral mixes a magic potion. The Magickal Seeds are a 1990s-style Alternative Rock as a solid base, spicy pieces of Electronica such as Drum and Bass, the aesthetics of moder Rap and R’n’B, and a catchy andy dynamic Indie Rock chorus for rounding up the flavour. These ingredients need to be boiled by the heat of a summer day at the Portuguese beach and stirred heavily to the rhythm of Afrobeat.
The result is an unrivalled musical taste experience. Tsunamiz convinces the listeners with new ideas, and his sounds definitely need to be heard more.
8/10 Mangoes
Picture credit: Tsunamiz