Six new releases from this Week

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The Bellwether Syndicate – Vestige & Vigil

Album | 28/04/2023 | Sett Records / Nexilis Records / Schubert Music Europe
Post Punk / Glam Noir
Chicago, IL, USA

The theme of Vestige & Vigil is a two-fold perspective on the world. Between Vestige, a joyful view on what is still there, and Vigil, the mourning realisation of what has gone, a three-dimensional picture erases. Music-wise, The Bellwether Syndicate depict this sober view between melancholic sounds on the one hand, and heavily rolling tunes on the other.
8/10 Mangoes

Finte – Bastion

Single | 28/04/2023 | Independent
Mathcore / Post Hardcore
Hannover, Germany

Three weeks before the release of their new album Wie das Endliche treibt, Finte provide us the longplayer’s second ex ante single. Bastion deals with loss and with the rollercoaster ride of emotions during realisation that an episode of life has finally been terminated. Fitting the context, the musical score reaches from sharp-edged Post Hardcore to melodic Indie passages, and it moves between those spheres in breathtaking waves.
8/10 Mangoes

Leagus – Flora Eallin

Album | 28/04/2023 | Is it Jazz? Records
Experimental / Modern Jazz

Together with the Nordnorsk Jazz Ensemble, duo Leagus presents a cinematic clash of sonic universes. Amdist a melting pot of sounds and noises, experimental and Ambient comes together with the witty anarchism of Modern Jazz. Finally, the soundscape is presented in a well-rounded shape together with traces of contemporary music.
7/10 Mangoes

Leaves in Flames – Silence of the Night

Single | 28/04/2023 | Independent
Alternative Rock / Hard Rock
Mönchengladbach, Germany

Not too long ago, Leaves in Flames started as a students band, and now they are already preparing for the release of an EP that will follow up their 2021 debut album Rolling the Dice. The new single stands for their coming-of-age process as it deals with finding oneself while working a day job. Silence of the Night is a song that will live in your memories rent-free once you heard it.
7/10 Mangoes

The Rumperts – New Age Jesus

Album | 28/04/2023 | SBÄM Records
Punk Rock / Hardcore Punk
Vienna, Austria

It feels like, we need some riot, don’t we? The Rumperts do not mince words, and they remorselessly shoot against narcissists, sexists, old and new fascists, and other players of oppression or injustice – inside and outside the punk scene. And by that they present one of the most dynamic and butt-kicking Punk Rock albums of the current year.
9/10 Mangoes

Sáasil – Ephemeral

Album | 28/04/2023 | These Hands Melt
Post Black Metal / Blackgaze

Originally released digitally in January, Sáasil’s longplayer Ephemeral has now been made available on physical formats by Italian label These Hands Melt. The project from Mexico is inviting their listeners to a journey through chasms and painful edges of the human consciousness. Between Doom, Post Metal, DSBM and Blackgaze, a serious confrontation with the self is made possible here.
7/10 Mangoes

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