OK NEIN – Leuchten
Album | 10/01/2025 | My Ruin (Vinyl) / Black Cat Tapes (Cassette)
24:25 | 11 tracks | Vinyl/Cassette/Digital
Emo Punk / Hardcore
Berlin, Germany
Winds of Change and Scents of Nostalgia
In the first Mango of the Week in 2025, we dive into the first album by Berlin’s quintet OK NEIN (not to be confused with Dark Ambient duo NEIN OK). And yes, Leuchten is their debut. Nevertheless, the five musicians are not new to the game. Instead, OK NEIN is a congregation of (ex-)members of Loveburgers, Francesco, Grizou, and EIN GUTES PFERD. On their first album, the quintet from the German capital presents a melancholic and yet tough sound that can bets be described as an alloy of 80s and 90s (German) Punk Rock with a modern twist. You may find traces of Turbostaat or (earlier) Marathonmann in the sonic images, as well as influence from Dance Pop.
Good Things come to Those who wait
OK NEIN present a powerful and mature debut album. The eleven tracks have been refined and polished until they were ready for the album’s sound, and it does indeed appear coherent and stable. By the power of two guitars, a bass, a drumset, and almost all band members on vocals, a concise sonic landscape is being built. OK NEIN float from rough Hardcore to melancholic (Emo) Punk, and dive deep into the realms of 80s Pop music from where the next rough-edged Hardcore break is evolving. It is a cold and rough sound that defines Leuchten, but it also contains the desire for warmth and comfort.

Save yourselves – Save each other
The songs on Leuchten are set in the grey and cold world that we call home. Here, human beings try to make it a bit more liveable, colourful, and to help each other out (Leuchten). Nevertheless, void and oblivion are omnipresent (Ich vs Nichts), and the rise of the (neo-)fascists does not really make it better (Inglorious Nazioma). Yet, from time to time, we need to celebrate and forget about all the misery (Katerstimmung), and we should look out for each other (Atmen Unter Wasser) because the new everyday life looks a lot like a warm rehash of the 1930s (Alltag Fressen Seele, Weinbrandstifter). The streets are cold and growing up here means to toughen up (Wedding Youth). And thus, from time to time we need some company (I Like Pizza). But sometimes, we have to realise that people from our own bubble may suck, too (Wüste Mensch). Shall we therefore seek safety via escapism and frenzy (Rausch)?
OK NEIN illuminate the hardships of trying to live a good life in a cold world. Leuchten decribes the importance of surrounding oneself with people who support you, and of taking care of each other. This eleven-track album is a collection of anthems for empathy, and for a better future.
7/10 Mangoes

Love Music – Support Sea Rescue
Donate to Sea Punks and Help to Save Lives
We will dance again
Mia Schem
Recorded April 2024 at
Tricone Studio Berlin by Juanfe Rehm
Mix and master:
Tonmeisterei Oldenburg
All songs, music, and lyrics by OK NEIN
Band members:
Dirk (guitar, vocals), Oscar (vocals), Reena (bass, vocals), Tobias (drums), Valentin (guitar, vocals)
Artwork: Tobias Meyer
Promo materials by courtesy of My Ruin