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Samsara Joyride – The Subtle and the Dense
Album | 26/02/2024 | Tonzonen Records
43:50 | 7 tracks | Vinyl/CD/Digital
Psychedelic Rock / Stoner Rock
Vienna, Austria

The endless path’s second stage
Shortly before COVID-19 sustainably changed the world, Florian Miehe and Michael Haumer came together in Vienna’s 17th district. Some Blues and Rock jam sessions initiated a creative process, and in the same year, the first EP Stranger was recorded. This was the natal hour of Samsara Joyride. The duo became a band as Andreas Mittermühlner and Daniel Batliner joined. In this formation, Samsara Joyride released their selftitled debut album in the fourth quarter of 2022, and have immediately worked on new ideas. What we can hear now, is the logic consequence of their previous work. The Subtle and the Dense is the continuation of the endless path.
Gained Confidence
It appears as if Samsara Joyride have made a big effort discovering their own sound since the release of their debut album. Less blue and more confident instead, the quartet keeps wandering on. The development that can be spotted since Samsara Joyride was released, is three-fold. On the sophomore longplayer, Samsara Joyride show more courage when it comes to experimental and progressive approaches in songwriting. Besides the increase of innovation in the seven songs‘ structures, the sound has improved as well. On the one hand, there is an increase in atmospheric and psychedelic motifs which ornate the heavy Blues Rock themes. And speaking of heavy, here is the final part of the threefold path of progression. The confidence that Samsara Joyride have gained reflects in a powerful and much heavier soundscape.
Spiraling through the Desert
Somewhere in the everlasting cycle of life and death, cause and effect, the quartet goes their way. They share thoughts on power structures, and distribution of goods and freedom. Sober, dedicated to walk on, and undeterred, they continue on their endless joyride. Between heavy Stoner Rock themes and melancholic Blues notes, they spread their psychedelic narrative. Their regular companion is background vocalist Laura Fichtenkamm who contributed to every Samsara Joyride release so far – and has therefore been around even before half of the original line-up. And on the final track Safe & Sound, producer Hannes Mottl refines the album’s gentle finale by the sound of his saxophone.
Keep on spinning
Samsara Joyride’s The Subtle and the Dense is without doubt their best release so far. And very likely, the band is yet far from reaching their zenith. With Tonzonen Records, they have found a great partner for their further enterprises, and thus we can all be excited about their future developments.
8/10 Mangoes
Samsara Joyride
Michael Haumer – guitars and vocals
Florian Miehe – guitars and vocals
Daniel Batliner – bass
Andreas Mittermühlner – drums
Laura Fichtenkamm – backing vocals
Hannes Mottl – saxophone
Recorded at Musikkooperative Haberlgasse, Vienna
Produced and mixed by Hannes Mottl
Master by Mikey Allred
Cover artwork by Andreas Mittermühlner and Daniel Blatliner
Promo material by courtesy of Noisolution
We will dance again
Mia Schem