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9 o’clock nasty & The Qwarks – Mickey Humper, a Pocket Opera
July 01, 2023 | Independent |
EP | Digital | 06:33 | 2 tracks |
Indie Rock / Garage Rock | Leicester, England Brighton, England |
A Pug’s Life
This is the short but eventful and emotional tale of a Brighton-based pug named Ludo and his toy whose name is Mickey. Mickey is a small rodent and apparently he performs high attraction to his dog friend Ludo. Without getting into detail too much, the affection that Ludo has towards Mickey, and the way it is put into action are eponymous for the Pocket Opera on hand: Mickey Humper.

Can True Love be Wrong?
The ditty of Ludo and Mickey has the potential to prompt many questions. Terms such as consent, appropriate ways of expression, public nuisance, or sensuality may have to be re-discussed. The Ethics Committee for this case are Brighton’s The Qwarks and 9 o’clock nasty from Leicester. The six English musicians have used a traditional way to deal with this very modern topic: they wrote a pocket opera. As a result, we can now listen to two New Indie tracks in which the bands deal with the case of Mickey and Ludo.
How the Tale became a Myth
Did the two songs answer any of the questions that were raised by Ludo’s behaviour? Most certainly not! And that is exactly why the pocket opera of Mickey Humper is such a piece of art. In two different ways, the musicians describe the good boy’s actions. And thereby the tale of Ludo becomes a myth. Plato himself would (maybe) have done it in a similar way if only he had the possibility to play catchy Garage and Indie Rock. And now, here we are with two great musial realisations of this tale: one rather Garage Rock-oriented song by Leicester’s 9 o’clock nasty, and one honed, proggy Indie Rock song by The Qwarks from Brighton: a holistic New Indie Opera.
8/10 Mangoes