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virgin orchestra – rewind
Release Date: February 10, 2023
Label: Smekkleysa
Format: Single | Digital
Duration: 07:33
Genre: Post Punk / Ambient
Origin: Reykjavík, Iceland
fragments, fog, fluorescence
When Rún Árnadóttir, Stefanía Pálsdóttir and Starri Holm met at the Icelandic University of the Arts, they discovered a shared love for atmospheric, experimental and dreamy sonic narratives. The three students hence formed a band and call themselves virgin orchestra since then. In summer 2022, the three musicians from Iceland then went to German capital Berlin where they recorded their first full-length album „fragments“. The longplayer will be out via Smekkleysa in May, and as a tidbit of a pretaste, the trio’s third single ‚rewind‘ lets us dive deep into the Northern fog.

heartbreak, healing, hope
‚rewind‘ is a cinematic sonic tale that consists of two major parts. virgin orchestra introduce us to the topic right away as their noisy, shoegazy Post Punk scenery emerges. On thick but yet silent steps, the trio tells the story of a heart broken heart. Following the song’s development, you can feel how emotions are muted but always try to break out. Halfway through ‚rewind‘, the noise and thus the pain grow to their climax shortly before the second half begins. Here, it gets calmer, more hopeful, and the even though it is wishful thinking, a tendency of healing shows up. Carried by much warmer sounds, the second half is a comforting dream of a ‚rewind‘ to the original separation.
There have been millions of songs about broken hearts. This one is amongst those that really let you empathize with the protagonist.
8/10 Mangoes