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Naga Brujo – Canceled
Release Date: January 06, 2023
Label: Brujo Studios
Format: EP | Digital
Duration: 15:34 | 4 tracks
Genre: Heavy Rock / Punk Rock
Origin: Austin, TX, USA
Surf Down Patriarchy
When Naga Brujo from Austin, Texas released their self-titled album in late 2020, it was like a firm kick to the gonads of conservative Punk and Rock music. The Texan quartet presented a fresh approach to Punk Rock, Rock’n’Roll or Heavy Rock and thereby proved that the entrenched structures can be overcome. A self-declared progressive subculture that is majorly ruled by an elite of old white men with money needs change. Hence, it is bands and acts like Lipstick Stains, Slant or Naga Brujo to name a few who shall be heard. Let us get rid of the umpteenth Motöramones Murphys copy and instead embrace Punk Rock in all of its diversity and openness.

Occvlt Desert Punk and Roll
The first Friday of the year 2023 was the day, Naga Brujo released their EP „Canceled“. The four new tracks are the pick up where the self-titled album left off, and yet progress is recognisable. Sound and production are much more defined than on the album and thus, the hearing pleasure has increased by a lot.
Naga Brujo do not beat about the bush and start in medias res instead. The EP is opened by the fuzzy Punk’n’Roll banger ‚Sick Sad World‘, a little reminder where we live and why we fight. Next up, the occult and heavy Doom Rock anthem ‚Black Magick‘ is a thrilling black mass with a little Black Sabbath touch and a thunderstorm of a coda. ‚Slug‘ is the kind of Punk Rock song that makes the audience go crazy, as before the final breakdown you can all sing along to Asia’s words: „I am a Slug! I don’t give a damn!“. And last but not least, ‚Fever Dreamer‘ is the perfect encore as it reaches from multipart choirs to savage Garage and Punk Rock attacks.
Although only fifteen-and-a-half minutes long, „Canceled“ is a sonic sweeping blow. With the power of Heavy Punk Rock, fuzz and dark sounds, Naga Brujo shoot against kyriarchy. This EP is a feast for a new Punk Rock generation.
8/10 Mangoes
Naja Brujo are:
Jake Mumps – lead guitar and vocals,
Asia Reign Gonzalez – lead vocals,
Jacob Lyons – bass,
Dylan Barnett – drums.
Drums on this EP were recorded by original drummer Ryan Woessner.